Battery Electric Storage

Analysis Group
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Nov. 9, 2021
The NYISO Business Issues Committee voted to recommend that the Management Committee approve changes to certain rules and market procedures.
Energy Vault
DOE Targets 90% Cut in Cost of Long-duration Storage
A new initiative at DOE's national labs will use AI and machine learning to cut the time long-duration storage technologies will need to reach commercial scale.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Sept. 14, 2021
The NYISO BIC recommended approval of tariff revisions to exempt solar generators no larger than 20 MW from meteorological data collection.
California to Expedite Battery Licenses
The California Energy Commission approved a measure to speed the interconnection of batteries to the grid following an emergency order by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
© RTO Insider
CAISO Sees ‘Explosive’ Growth in Storage in July
CAISO said total storage capacity and discharge capability nearly doubled in July compared with a month before in its latest summer market performance report.
Plus Power
Largest Standalone Battery Storage System in Northeast Planned for Small Mass. Town
Plus Power filed a petition last week with the Massachusetts Energy Facility Siting Board for approval to build the Cranberry Point Energy Storage project.
American Clean Power, Energy Storage Association Merge
American Clean Power Association will absorb fellow trade group U.S. Energy Storage Association at the beginning of the new year, the groups announced.
California Governor Proclaims Emergency as Blackouts Loom
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an emergency declaration aimed at keeping the lights on this summer by waiving clean-air rules and paying more for demand response.
Northern Light Health
Maine Prepares Statewide Storage Pilot for Critical Services
A new pilot in Maine to install up to 15 MW of energy storage at critical care facilities will focus on sophisticated energy consumers, such as large hospitals.
In Maine’s GridMod Movement, Innovating on Flexibility Gains Traction
A growing interest in grid flexibility looks beyond demand management to accommodate and balance distributed generation and loads.

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