
EIA: Dispatch of Coal Generation Falls in PJM
Analysis from EIA finds the average runtime for PJM coal-fired generators has declined sharply over the past decade because of increasing fuel and start-up costs.
Basin Electric Power Cooperative
FERC ALJ Lambastes Basin Electric’s Business Practices
A FERC administrative law judge found that Basin Electric Power Cooperative improperly included the costs of a for-profit gasification business in its wholesale electricity rates.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Wins FERC Waiver of MISO Interconnection Rules on Coal-to-Solar Plan
FERC authorized an exception to MISO’s interconnection rights transfer process, allowing two Xcel Energy subsidiaries to cooperate on a replacement of a coal-fired plant with a solar farm.
EEI Sues EPA over Power Plant Rules’ Carbon-capture Requirement
The Edison Electric Institute has joined the litigation against EPA’s power plant rules under Clean Air Act Section 111, filing its own petition to review the rules and intervening in existing suits. 
Senate ENR Committee
Manchin not Ready to Give up on Bipartisan Permitting Bill
Sen. Joe Manchin rebuffed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that permitting reform was dead in the current Congress during an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on load growth from data centers.
Republican-led States Sue EPA over Power Plant Emissions Rule
Republican state attorneys general sued EPA seeking to stop implementation of the agency’s final rule aimed at slashing greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal plants and new natural gas plants. 
Wisconsin PSC: Missing Info in We Energies’ Oak Creek Coal-to-gas Plans
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin said it’s missing several details from We Energies regarding its multiyear plan to substitute gas for coal at its Oak Creek Power Plant.
PJM Monitor and Consumers Protest Indian River Compensation Settlement
The Maryland Office of Peoples Counsel and PJM's IMM urge FERC to reject a compensation plan for NRG keeping a portion of its Indian River coal plant open under a reliability contract.
SayCheeeeeese, CC0 1.0 Public Domain, via Wikipedia
Last Remaining Coal Resources in New England Set to Retire

Granite Shore Power has reached an agreement with EPA, the Sierra Club, and the Conservation Law Foundation to retire New England's last coal plant by 2028.

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MISO Members Doubt Severity of Long-term RA Alarm Bells
Multiple MISO members appeared skeptical at their quarterly meetings that the RTO is destined to face capacity shortfalls before the turn of the decade.

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