Resource Adequacy
Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
Members praised work done by PJM in the stakeholder process in the development of new rules for the interconnection process.
Interim CEO Brad Jones is working hard to restore confidence in ERCOT following February's winter storm with a cross-state listening tour.
FERC approved a rule to improve hydro dam safety by instituting a program of two-tier inspections performed by teams with site-specific expertise.
Stakeholders have extra time to register critiques of MISO’s plan to redefine its capacity market in the 2023-24 planning year.
ERCOT says it has received all but one winter readiness report from system generating resources as part of the state’s new winter readiness requirements.
NWPP took its first steps implementing its Western Resource Adequacy Program, allowing participants to submit resource data for a “nonbinding” phase.
Stakeholders at MISO Board Week offered a few tips on how the footprint can weather a tough winter, a day after the RTO elevated wintertime risk levels.
Texas PUC Chair Peter Lake said "the lights will stay on" this winter, based on the commission's new weatherization rules and market changes.
MISO raised alarm bells about soaring forced outages should a severe arctic blast descend on the footprint this winter.
MISO will jettison the most inexpensive step of its operating reserve demand curve, explaining that $200/MWh pricing is too low during shortage conditions.
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