
NYISO CEO Lays out 2025 Priorities
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey opened the Management Committee meeting with a congratulations on getting through 2024 before looking ahead to the rest of 2025.  
ACORE Presses Congress to Order Improvements in TVA Planning, Oversight
ACORE says Congress could take steps to establish more comprehensive transmission and generation planning within the TVA.
FERC Approves Annual Megawatt Cap for MISO Interconnection Queue
FERC has given MISO an all-clear to cap project hopefuls lining up for its overflowing generator interconnection queue at 50% of the RTO’s peak load.
Bonneville Power Administration
BPA Employees Confront Trump’s ‘Fork in the Road’
Employees of the Bonneville Power Administration received the same buyout offer from the Trump administration as millions of other federal workers — despite the agency's self-funding model.
765-kV Lines in West Texas Inch Closer to Reality
The drive to build 765-kV lines in Texas continues to inch forward, with ERCOT and stakeholders working to provide enough information for regulators to reach a decision by May 1 on which voltage level would best meet demand.
FERC Rejects Blanket Extension of MISO COD Deadlines for Gen Developers
FERC rejected MISO’s attempt to implement a blanket, two-year extension of commercial operation dates for generation developers that entered the interconnection queue about seven years ago.
Massachusetts DPU Approves Price Increase for NECEC Line
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved a settlement agreement for the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line, authorizing a significant cost increase to account for regulatory delays to the project.
New England Lobbyists Preview 2025 State Legislative Sessions

Government affairs experts previewing New England’s 2025 legislative sessions outlined some key policy overlaps and notable differences among states during a webinar held by the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association.

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WPP Stronger After Modernizing, Staff Hires, CEO Says
The Western Power Pool faced “real potential weaknesses” in 2024 due to staff shortages and outdated financial and accounting systems, the organization’s leadership said during their annual member meeting.
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Generation Developers Ask for Scoring System on MISO Queue Fast Track
Groups of generation owners and developers have asked MISO to adopt a queue fast lane only as a last resort and employ a more limited process that involves scoring criteria to gain entry.

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