March 10, 2025

Transmission Operations

SOO Green
SOO Green Seeks Relief from PJM Rule on External Capacity
The developer of a proposed 2,100-MW HVDC line escalated its fight with PJM, asking FERC to eliminate capacity rules it says are blocking it from competing.
WATT Coalition
FERC Workshop Participants Differ on GETs Incentives
Participants at FERC’s workshop on performance-based ratemaking approaches support GETs, but they disagree on how best to foster their adoption.
Experts Call for Tx Reinforcements, Microgrids in Gulf System After Ida
Experts say the electric grid needs heartier construction, new technology and microgrids to reduce outages from increasingly common severe weather events.
Entergy Touts Restoration; NOLA Leaders Question Lack of Blackstart Service
Entergy called its restoration work “near-miraculous,” but local leaders asked why the company did not use the New Orleans Power Station's capabilities.
Entergy Energizes Second Tx Line, Generator
Entergy has activated two of the eight transmission lines serving the New Orleans area, allowing them to restore power to parts of downtown.
Entergy: ‘Rebuild’ Needed for Worst Ida Damage
Entergy said most of its Louisiana customers affected by Hurricane Ida will see their power restored by Sept. 9 but that some areas will require a "rebuild."
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: Sept. 1, 2021
ISO-NE proposed an installed capacity requirement of 32,568 MW for FCA 16, a 1,585-MW decrease from FCA 15, at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee meeting.
Entergy Investigations Certain to Follow Hurricane Ida Restoration
As greater New Orleans endures a second day of blackouts following Hurricane Ida, questions are swirling regarding Entergy's massive transmission failure.
Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NewGrid to Bring Congestion Software to ISO-NE System
NewGrid's CEO says the company's software could move 40% more power on the ISO-NE grid.
MISO: Lessons Remain From February’s Winter Crisis
MISO's Trevor Hines told attendees at a webinar that the RTO is still identifying and working through lessons from the February winter storm.

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