September 27, 2024

Transmission Planning

Stakeholder Soapbox: Transmission Planning Needs to be Improved — And We Already Know How to Do It
Reliability and clean energy related public policies are increasing the need for and benefits of large-scale transmission to avoid increased electricity costs.
Texas Admin Monitor
Regulators Debate Competition in Entergy’s Texas Footprint
The Texas PUC discussed the lack of competition in Entergy Texas’ footprint, questioning whether previous cost recoveries have benefited ratepayers.
Patrick Brown and Audun Botterud, MIT
New Tx Study Calls for Holistic Planning Across Regions
A Brattle Group-Grid Strategies study on transmission planning pinpoints inefficiencies that hinder the integration of new renewable resources.
Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative
Grid Operators Seek Policy Role, Reliability `Safety Valve’
Grid planners need more input on policy and a reliability “safety valve,” the Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative said in a new paper.
Overheard at 2021 ISO-NE Regional System Plan Forum
ISO-NE hosted a virtual public forum to discuss its draft 2021 Regional System Plan, with Sen. Angus King and NERC CEO Jim Robb speaking.
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Western Utilities to Explore Market Options
Major Western utilities plan to discuss coordinated market services and the possible formation of an organized market in an exploratory group.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Sept. 29, 2021
ERCOT stakeholders endorsed several protocol changes and associated changes related to ERS service and load-resource participation in non-spinning reserves.
NYISO Reviews Mitigation Efforts, Updates Timeline
NYISO presented stakeholders a comprehensive mitigation review and made available the final draft of a study on related market impacts.
SEIA Issues New US Solar Generation Goal: 30 by 30
SEIA issued a new growth target for the industry to mark the first day of its 2021 annual meeting: 30% of the nation’s power by 2030.
New Orleans Seeks FERC Inquiry into Entergy Planning Practices
Entergy continues to field criticisms that it’s hindering transmission development to keep its territory shielded from competing energy suppliers.

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