Transmission Rates
The court upheld a FERC order requiring $11.5 million in refunds from Ameren Illinois after 10 years of misreporting costs.
ISO-NE and the region’s TOs have asked FERC to dismiss a RENEW Northeast complaint that seeks to shift network upgrade O&M costs off interconnection customers.
Dominion is backing a bill that critics say would limit Virginia regulators' ability to set its rates, while the utility says it would save consumers millions.
FERC Ok'd New York Power Authority’s transmission rates for the Smart Path Connect transmission project after the utility showed it received state approval.
FERC rescinded RTO participation incentives for two AEP affiliates on the grounds that Ohio law compels transmission owners to participate in an RTO.
FERC upheld its prior ruling blocking MISO transmission owners from electing to self-fund network upgrades needed for merchant HVDC lines.
FERC continues to sanction MISO’s separate-but-equal postage stamp rate that is divided between its Midwest and South regions for major transmission buildout.
RENEW Northeast is asking FERC to shift the burden of network upgrade operations and maintenance costs in ISO-NE off of interconnection customers.
MISO transmission owners have filed with FERC to eliminate all reactive power and voltage control charges from their own and affiliated generation resources.
FERC approved revisions to PJM’s tariff that assign the costs of necessary transmission upgrades for installation of offshore wind in New Jersey to the state.
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