October 5, 2024


Please Feel Free to Surprise Us
The authors of the DOE memo supporting coal and nuclear subsidies took the spaghetti approach – throw everything against the wall and hope something sticks.
Counterflow: The Surreal, the Absurd and the Tragic
Steve Huntoon wants to apologize -- on behalf of FirstEnergy.
Eurostat, EIA
Counterflow: German La La Land
Columnist Steve Huntoon doesn't buy the hype of Germany's Energiewende (“Energy Transition”).
Competition Gives Everyone Better, Cheaper Energy Choices
NEPGA President Dan Dolan and Sunrun's Anne Hoskins argue against proposals that would allow utilities to gain control of consumer-owned energy storage.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Bomb Cyclone Shows Need for Coal Fleet
Paul Bailey, CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, argues that the severe winter weather last month demonstrates the continued need for coal-fired generation.
Counterflow: The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Columnist Steve Huntoon criticizes the Georgia Public Service Commission and its handling of the Vogtle nuclear plant's construction.
Counterflow: Brother, Can You Spare 70 Billion Dimes?
Columnist Steve Huntoon breaks down how the new corporate tax rate will affect electric utilities' return on equity, and how much should be refunded to ratepayers.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Your Audit Report may be Worthless
A good audit report isn't enough to protect utilities from federal penalties after a reliability event, argues former NERC official Terry Brinker.
Counterflow: Where to Begin? Or End?
Columnist Steve Huntoon criticizes FirstEnergy's efforts to subsidize its Davis-Besse nuclear plant in the name of grid resilience.
The Brattle Group
Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy: Capturing the Stacked Benefits of Battery Storage
Ryan Hledik of The Brattle Group defends his firm's study of the value of energy storage in California.

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