Columnist Steve Huntoon breaks down how the new corporate tax rate will affect electric utilities' return on equity, and how much should be refunded to ratepayers.
A good audit report isn't enough to protect utilities from federal penalties after a reliability event, argues former NERC official Terry Brinker.
Columnist Steve Huntoon criticizes FirstEnergy's efforts to subsidize its Davis-Besse nuclear plant in the name of grid resilience.
Ryan Hledik of The Brattle Group defends his firm's study of the value of energy storage in California.
Columnist Steve Huntoon takes a break from trashing the DOE NOPR to return to another of his favorite punching bags: grid batteries.
Are you up for a pop quiz today? See how you do answering Steve Huntoon's trivia questions on FirstEnergy's coal-fired W.H. Sammis plant.
Supporters of the DOE NOPR have promoted an insane rush to judgment, according to columnist Steve Huntoon.
Joel Yu of Con Edison details the company's proposed reforms to NYISO's generator interconnection queue that he says will streamline new energy resources.
To Steve Huntoon, it's obvious where the recent Department of Energy proposed rule to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission came from: Murray Energy.
In his latest column, Steve Huntoon lambasts the Energy Department's proposed rule directing FERC to prop up uneconomic baseload power plants.
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