October 1, 2024

Conference Coverage

ACORE Forum Frets Reliability as Carbon Pledges Grow
Promoters of renewable energy worry about reliability as fossil-fuel plants retire and renewable resources are slow to take over, ACORE attendees heard.
EBA Panelists Debate Role of FERC in Regulating Carbon
The opening session of the Energy Bar Association's (EBA) Mid-Year Forum featured a debate over FERC's role in regulating carbon emissions.
Overheard at Renewable Energy Vermont 2019
State officials and renewable energy advocates attended the Renewable Energy Vermont conference where they described their efforts to combat climate change.
Overheard at Baker Institute’s Energy Transition Summit
The Baker Institute Center for Energy Studies hosted its third annual energy summit, “The Energy Transition: Legacy, Scale and Technology,” in Houston.
EVs Could Soak up Solar or Exacerbate ‘Duck Curve’
A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study found increased adoption of EVs in California could alleviate or exacerbate the state's duck curve.
Overheard at the 163rd NE Electricity Roundtable
New chief utility regulators shared their visions of grid modernization and resource adequacy at 163rd New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Overheard at NECA 2019 Fuels Conference
Natural gas will be crucial to the national economy and the New England electric power system for years, industry experts said at the NECA Fuels Conference.
Chatterjee Coal Country Forum to Consider ‘Energy Transition’
FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee released a star-studded agenda for the commission’s energy conference to be held Oct. 21 at the University of Kentucky.
FERC’s Glick Navigates Political Dynamic
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick gave a keynote speech at the Annual Gas and Power Institute in Houston, where he discussed the tension at the commission.
Overheard at ACE New York 2019 Fall Conference
About 200 participants turned out at the ACE NY’s annual conference to hear about New York’s efforts to boost renewables, price carbon and EV sales.

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