January 22, 2025

2020 Western heat waves

WECC Says Extreme Events Require Forecast, RA Changes
Western BAs should determine what caused errors in load and generation forecasts during August’s massive heat wave and fix their forecasting processes.
New CAISO CEO Vows Urgency on Resource Adequacy
CAISO's new CEO, Elliot Mainzer, spoke with RTO Insider about his background, priorities and perspective on California's resource adequacy problem.
CAISO Wasn’t Gamed in Blackouts, Watchdog Finds
CAISO’s Market Monitor found no evidence of market manipulation or strategic outages during the rolling blackouts of mid-August.
Industry Leaders Talk Diversity in the West
A discussion on diversity in the energy industry, hosted by CREPC-WIRAB, delved into resource adequacy and the potential for a Western RTO.
WECC Findings Show Complexity of Heat Wave Event
WECC is developing an information website as it uncovers more findings about the August heat wave that prompted rolling blackouts.
RTOs, BPA Fear NAESB Rules Will Cut Tx
Commenters generally back FERC’s proposal to approve new NAESB standards for transmission but urged it to reject two replacement rules.
NARUC Panel Takes on West’s ‘Surreal Summer’
NARUC panelists examined the extraordinary events last summer in the Western Interconnection, including California's rolling blackouts.
Former CPUC President Calls for CAISO Probe
Former CPUC President Loretta Lynch said Ca. should review the rolling blackouts of mid-August and potential market manipulation in CAISO.
Western BAs Lauded for Coordination During Heat Wave
RC West praised its members for collaborating to manage the Western heat wave in mid-August that prompted CAISO to initiate rolling blackouts
Heat Waves Spur Record EIM Benefits
Benefits for participants in CAISO’s EIM surged past $119 million in the third quarter, a record amount driven by heat waves in Aug. and Sept.

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