advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)
Last week, Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable had a panel discussion on the role of utility regulation in decarbonization.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee OK'd meter-related manual revisions and discussed updates to the 2019 CARIS database.
Connecticut and Massachusetts are continuing efforts to modernize their electric grids despite the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
An overflow crowd of more than 200 people attended Raab Associates’ 164th New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable in Boston.
Advanced meters represent more than half of the meters in service, but demand response growth has been choppy due to slow adoption of time-of-use rates.
The NY PSC continued to tweak compensation and billing for DERs, adjusting the structure of existing standby and buyback service rates.
New York officials, utilities and solar advocates are trading comments through the PSC on what constitutes appropriate compensation for DER capacity value.
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