February 23, 2025

American Municipal Power (AMP)

Gen. Owners, Other Suppliers Key to EOL Win
Records and interviews with stakeholders indicate the June 18 vote that could open PJM's end-of-life transmission planning to competition resulted from intense lobbying.
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Exelon, FE Ask PJM to Tighten Sector Selection Process
Exelon and FirstEnergy called on PJM to police stakeholder sector selections after LS Power had an affiliate improperly voting in the senior committees.
PJM End-of-life Proposals Fail at MRC
A proposal to open end-of-life transmission projects in PJM to regional planning and competitive bidding was narrowly defeated at the MRC meeting.
TOs Back PJM End-of-life Proposal
PJM’s transmission owners gave their response to the push to open end-of-life projects to competition and regional planning at a special meeting.
PJM End-of-life Tx Proposals Near Vote
PJM stakeholders debated for nearly two hours over three proposals to address transmission owners’ spending on end-of-life projects.
FERC Denies AMP Request for OASIS Waiver
FERC rejected AMP Transmission’s request for a waiver of the commission’s Standards of Conduct and requirements to maintain an Open Access Same-Time Information System.
FERC Sides With PJM on Pseudo-tie Challenges
FERC rejected rehearing requests over the commission’s November 2017 order approving PJM’s tougher requirements for pseudo-tied generators.
Is Self-supply Suppressing Prices?
Has FERC made a case that cooperatives, municipal utilities and vertically integrated utilities that self-supply suppress capacity prices?
MOPR Ruling Threatens to Upend Self-supply Model
ODEC and other self-supply load-serving entities in PJM argue FERC's order to expand the MOPR will undermine their roles in local economic development.
FERC Affirms MISO-PJM Pseudo-tie Decisions
FERC dismissed a second round of complaints over overlapping pseudo-tie congestion charges between MISO and PJM.

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