Analysis Group
Attendees of the New England-Canada Business Council’s 26th annual energy conference discussed U.S.-Canada trade and the growth of renewables.
The increasing interplay between energy efficiency and electrification was a hot topic at the 2018 Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships summit.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee voted to change its bylaws to formalize the policy of banning the press from attending its meetings.
NYISO Vice President of Operations Wes Yeomans told the Management Committee the ISO is prepared to meet peak demand this summer.
As FERC considers changes in its merger policy, panelists at the Energy Bar Association (EBA) discussed the pros and cons of adding tests to determine market power.
Department of Energy, Staff Report to the Secretary on Electricity Markets and Reliability, August 23, 2017
FERC’s ruling that “resilience” is not simply a matter of onsite fuel supply won nearly universal praise outside the coal and nuclear industries.
New York’s Integrating Public Policy Task Force (IPPTF) held its first technical conference on carbon pricing in NYISO's markets.
ISO New England (ISO-NE) stakeholders are trying to reach agreement on CASPR, a two-tier market construct to integrate state-sponsored renewables.
A study released by the American Petroleum Institute said policy makers should seek “reliability attributes,” which natural gas is “relatively advantaged” in.
A substantial increase in new clean resources would lower Forward Capacity Auction prices, “crowding out” many existing resources, according to ISO-NE.
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