Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI)
SPP has scheduled an executive session of its board and Members Committee to discuss admitting Mountain West Transmission Group members.
The SPP board approved a Tariff revision that incorporates a refund obligation for the RTO's nonpublic transmission-owning utility members.
SPP’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee unanimously approved adding a major maintenance cost in mitigated start-up and no-load offers.
SPP’s market-to-market (M2M) process with MISO again resulted in a large payment to SPP for November operations.
SPP set several new records for wind generation, lending further credence to its claims that it can handle wind-penetration levels as high as 75%.
SPP stakeholders narrowly rejected a Tariff change that would have established a 1-MW threshold for reporting behind-the-meter network load.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed cost allocation for its seams project with Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
SPP stakeholders endorsed a proposed interregional project to be developed in partnership with MISO, despite the project’s dim prospects.
The SPP Board of Directors and Members Committee approved MOPC's decision to let the Z2, Export Pricing and Gas-Electric Coordination task forces expire.
The SPP Z2 Task Force will likely be a relic of the past, but the issues with credits and obligations for sponsored transmission upgrades aren’t going away.
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