Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI)
SPP's Monitor released a paper detailing a study of generator self-commitments in the market, yielding evidence they exert downward pressure on prices.
NERC's board made committee appointments, approved RISC's Reliability Risk Priorities Report, and authorized bylaw changes for SERC and ReliabilityFirst.
SPP's Seams Steering Comm. discussed the RTO's agreement with MISO and upcoming meetings between the Regional State Comm. and the Org. of MISO States.
NERC's Standards Committee elected new leadership and approved its 2020-2022 Standards Development Plan at a meeting last week.
MISO and PJM said they will propose changes to how they determine flowgate rights in a white paper in November.
SPP CEO Nick Brown told the board and Members Committee that a recent FERC-NERC report confirmed the RTO’s position on MISO’s use of its system.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor has a different opinion of the RTO’s summer supply picture three weeks into the season.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor has a different opinion of the RTO’s summer supply picture three weeks into the season.
Parties of a joint congestion management process are resistant to an update to MISO and PJM's freeze date, used to grandfather transmission flows.
MISO proposed to change the deadlines and deliverability requirements for next year’s Planning Resource Auction as it released more data from this year.
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