February 22, 2025

available transfer capability (ATC)

APS Can Adopt Flowgate Methodology, FERC Rules
FERC approved Arizona Public Service’s proposal to use the flowgate methodology to calculate available transfer capability (ATC) within its transmission system.
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CAISO Updates EDAM Straw Proposal
CAISO's revised plan for a WEIM extended day-ahead market makes changes to transmission requirements and penalties for failing resource sufficiency evaluations.
RTOs, BPA Fear NAESB Rules Will Cut Tx
Commenters generally back FERC’s proposal to approve new NAESB standards for transmission but urged it to reject two replacement rules.
NERC Standards Retirements Go to Final Ballot
A NERC standards drafting team has opened a final ballot on the elimination of all or parts of 18 reliability standards as Phase 1 of the organization’s standards efficiency review nears its conclusion.
ATC Plan Could Eliminate White Pine SSR; Refunds Coming on Presque Isle?
MISO said it would review a plan that could end the system support resource agreement for White Pine Unit 1 in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
FERC Proposes Adopting NAESB Standards
FERC proposes to adopt the new NAESB standards, adopted by its Wholesale Electric Quadrant and filed with FERC last October.
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members Committees on Feb. 26, 2015.
PJM MRC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC on 2/26/15. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
FERC OKs GMD, Training Standards; Proposes Modeling Rule Change
FERC approved NERC reliability rules on geomagnetic disturbances, personnel training and capacity modeling.

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