Barbara Sugg
SPP’s Board and Members Committee have approved two resource adequacy revision requests, ending a last-minute dash to gain stakeholder approval.
SPP continues to make a misnomer out of the "Southwest" portion of its name, expanding its beachhead in the Western Interconnection along several fronts.
FERC Chair Richard Glick made his first in-person visit to SPP’s headquarters last week, joining stakeholders for their regular quarterly governance meeting.
SPP has added its first international member in Canada’s SaskPower, seven years after the RTO’s first international transactions with the Canadian utility.
Western utilities interested in SPP’s RTO West offering released a study showing the grid operator’s expansion could produce huge annual savings.
Four Arizona entities have joined seven Pacific Northwest entities to support the next phase of SPP’s Markets+ development.
SPP’s Board of Directors approved stakeholders’ recommendation to issue a notification to construct a 345-kV double-circuit transmission project in New Mexico.
SPP set the energy Twitterverse on fire when it became the first regional grid operator to exceed 90% for the amount of renewable energy meeting demand.
Despite Texas PUC Commissioner Will McAdams' forceful opposition, SPP approved a measure granting local projects an opportunity for regional funding.
SPP staff and stakeholders are itching to return to in-person meetings, as evidenced by response rates to annual performance metrics.
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