California duck curve
Answering the question isn’t easy, according to CAISO staff and other electric industry experts, who say that while batteries are having a notable impact, several factors complicate the narrative that they’re displacing gas on the grid.
NERC’s 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment found that every region has met its reserve margin targets but that many areas would face difficult operations in lengthy, widespread heat waves.
A NARUC report says California will need to use more advanced planning methods to ensure resource adequacy with an ever-growing reliance on renewables.
CAISO's outgoing and incoming CEOs answered stakeholder questions in a roundtable discussion hosted by the EIM’s Regional Issues Forum.
The California PUC voted unanimously to recommend that some older gas-fired plants remain open for up to three years to prevent reliability problems.
A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study found increased adoption of EVs in California could alleviate or exacerbate the state's duck curve.
CAISO’s Board of Governors heard that the ISO could face capacity shortages as soon as next year if steps aren’t taken to address the potential shortfall.
PJM staff agreed to delay approval of revisions to generation outage procedures after stakeholders raised concerns over potential market consequences.
CAISO prices surged in Q1 on falling hydroelectric output and increased costs for natural gas, the ISO’s Department of Market Monitoring told stakeholders.
CAISO is proposing to quadruple the number of hours in its time horizon for short-term commitment of generation units to better address load peaks that occur later in the day when solar output drops off the grid.
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