February 25, 2025

California Energy Commission (CEC)

CAISO Says Constrained Tx Contributed to Blackouts
A report on the causes of California’s August blackouts contends that constrained transmission prevented much needed imports from reaching the state.
Counterflow: No Carb California
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that California's ambitious renewable energy and storage targets would actually make the state more vulnerable to blackouts.
CEC Explores Building Design Role in Decarbonization
Smart building design can play a central role in California’s drive to decarbonize, according to a panel convened by the Energy Commission.
Study: Calif. Must Build Renewables at Record Rate
California must build renewables and storage at an unprecedented pace to reach its goal of 100% zero-carbon energy by 2045.
Theories Abound over California Blackouts Cause
Observers cited dependence on imports, underperformance of natural gas and wind, and market manipulation as possible causes of California’s recent blackouts.
COVID-19 Will Cut Electricity Demand in Calif., CEC Says
The COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying recession will significantly reduce electricity demand in California through 2023.
CAISO Provides More Details on Blackouts
CAISO and the California PUC and Energy Commission explained to Gov. Gavin Newsom why the state had two days of rolling blackouts recently.
Calif. to Stay Course on Electrification, CEC Chair Says
The California Energy Commission will stick to the path of electrifying buildings despite a legal challenge filed against it by SoCalGas.
Calif. Energy Commission OKs Electrification Rules
Two Bay Area cities will join a growing list in California with building electrification ordinances, after the California Energy Commission’s approval.
California Agencies, Utilities Amp up Virus Response
California’s grid operator, government agencies and utilities bolstered actions this week to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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