October 6, 2024

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

CAISO Board Adopts Revamped Transmission Plan
CAISO's Board of Governors approved a redesigned transmission plan that focuses on high-priority projects amid a crush of interconnection requests.
Edison International
CAISO’s Revised DERA Plan Complies with Order 2222, FERC Finds
FERC approved CAISO’s second attempt at complying with the mandate requiring RTOs to foster participation of DER aggregations in organized markets.
California State Assembly
CAISO Regionalization Bill Put on Hold
California Assemblymember Chris Holden said he will hold a bill that could eventually turn CAISO into an RTO while he tries to overcome opposition.
Hydro, New Resources Boost CAISO’s Summer Outlook
CAISO says that 8,100 MW of new resources and California's record snowpack, which is expected to increase hydro generation by 72%, improve its summer forecast.
Grid Strategies
Minimum Transfer Capability Between Regions Debated at FERC
Parties filing comments with FERC on expanding interregional transfer capability mostly supported the concept, though opinions were split on how to get there.
California Faces Challenges Connecting 156 GW to Grid
A California Energy Commission workshop examined the difficulties of connecting vast quantities of clean energy resources to the bulk electric system by 2045.
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Markets+ State Committee Adopts Inclusive Membership Policy
Western state regulators unanimously approved a revised charter for the Markets+ State Committee allowing additional states and Canadian provinces to join.
California Assembly
Committee Gives CAISO RTO Bill a Cool Reception
Members of the California Assembly Utilities & Energy passed a bill to give CAISO independent governance but uniformly expressed their dislike of it as written.
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SPP MPEC Briefs: April 18-19, 2023
SPP Markets+ stakeholders kicked off the development phase of a proposed “RTO-light” service in the West, heating up the race with CAISO.
FERC Approves Batch of Line Ratings Compliance Filings
FERC approved the compliance filings of six transmission providers, including those of NYISO and CAISO, with Order 88.

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