February 23, 2025


Texas PUC Rejects Call to Reprice Error
The Texas PUC dismissed a complaint asking ERCOT to reprice a 2019 dispatch interval after an error sent prices to their $9,000/MWh cap.
CAISO Black Start Project Must Divulge Cost Info
FERC accepted an agreement between CAISO and a Calpine plant to provide black start service, but agreed that more cost information was needed.
Calif. Participants Float ‘Central Buyer’ RA Plan
California stakeholders have proposed replacing the state’s resource adequacy framework with a “central buyer” responsible for procuring resources.
ERCOT, WMS Collaborate on Price Corrections
ERCOT staff have laid out a plan to work with stakeholders in addressing a May pricing event that has led to a complaint filed with the Texas PUC.
PJM Stakeholders Deadlock on Energy Price Formation
PJM members were unable to reach consensus on any of five proposals to improve price formation for energy and reserves Thursday.
Calpine Price Formation Plan Leads in PJM Vote
Calpine’s modification of PJM’s energy price formation proposal emerged as the first choice members will consider at Thursday’s Markets and Reliability Committee meeting.
CAISO RC Effort Gets FERC Go-ahead
FERC approved a set of Tariff revisions covering California Independent System Operator's new reliability coordinator services.
PJM Stakeholders Hold Their Lines in Capacity Battle
PJM stakeholders dug in further on the RTO’s proposed revamp to its capacity market, reiterating comments made in FERC’s paper hearing on the proposal.
UPDATED: Little Common Ground in PJM Capacity Revamp Filings
The first round of filings in PJM’s “paper hearing” on revisions to the capacity market showed wide disagreement over broadening the MOPR.
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The Slow Death of Merchant Generation in MISO
Mark J. Volpe, president and CEO of the Coalition of Midwest Power Producers (COMPP), recounts the migration of merchant generators from MISO to PJM.

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