Washington’s Department of Ecology confirmed that it raised almost $300 million from the state’s first quarterly cap-and-trade auction held in February.
Washington carbon allowance prices will increase sharply as the state’s cap-and-trade program becomes better established, carbon market analysts said.
Washington’s first cap-and-trade auction earned the state nearly $300 million in revenue and unloaded all allowances on offer.
CEO Rich Dewey said NYISO is focused on transitioning the state’s grid from high-polluting resources to renewables without compromising reliability.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul released a legislative framework for the cap-and-invest program she is proposing to help the state meet its GHG-reduction goals.
The Alliance for Clean Energy New York hosted an online information session concerning the state's scoping plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Gov. Kathy Hochul shared what her energy and environmental priorities will be in the coming year, including implementing an economywide cap-and-invest program.
Questions remain about how much of the scoping plan can be implemented through agency rulemaking and what will require new legislation.
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia
Washington’s Supreme Court ruled that the state’s most prominent anti-tax activist cannot put a 2021 cap-and-trade law to a statewide public ballot.
The Western Climate Initiative is one option the Vermont Climate Council will explore to replace TCI-P in its Climate Action Plan released in December.
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