capacity auction
The OMS and the Independent Market Monitor resuscitated a longstanding debate over whether the RTO should adopt a sloped demand curve in its capacity auctions.
FERC on Tuesday approved MISO’s two-part plan to get hybrid resources accredited for participation in the RTO’s capacity auctions.
MISO gave stakeholders more time to adapt to four seasonal capacity auctions and capacity accreditation determined by a unit's performance in tight conditions.
PJM asked FERC to delay the Dec. 1 capacity auction by almost two months, citing the commission’s recent revision to auction rules.
Stakeholders unhappy with MISO's proposal to create seasonal capacity auctions and resource accreditation can vote for a yearlong delay on the plan.
Stakeholders want more time to hammer out the details of MISO's four-season capacity auction and seasonal reliability targets.
Stakeholders unanimously voted to amend PJM's issue charge addressing the calculation of regulation mileage ratio, asking the RTO for more time to discuss.
MISO concluded that its current suite of resource adequacy tools, and the in-progress projects it is working on, enable it to cope with extreme cold snaps.
Capacity prices in most of PJM dropped by nearly two-thirds for 2022/23, with EMAAC and SWMAAC recording their lowest prices ever.
MISO has expanded its availability-based capacity accreditation proposal for generation resources by including hours that aren’t so risky.
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