February 23, 2025

Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force

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PJM Pressed on Plans to File Capacity Changes
With a myriad of proposals emerging to revamp PJM’s capacity market, stakeholders are focused on what the RTO will do, but staff aren’t tipping their hand.
NOVEC Offers 10th Capacity Proposal
NOVEC weighed in with its own plan for reforming PJM’s capacity construct, saying the nine existing proposals ignored sometimes-illogical human behavior.
PJM Stakeholders Hash out Capacity Repricing Triggers
PJM appears headed toward implementing a capacity construct that would reprice auction results to address the influence of subsidized generation offers.
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Stakeholders Seek to Trim PJM Capacity Construct Options
Stakeholders appear to be eyeing the finish line of PJM’s yearlong effort to consider reforming its capacity construct.
PJM Stakeholders Begin Defining Capacity Design Needs
After nearly a year of discussion on potential changes to PJM’s capacity model, stakeholders are determining what components a new construct should have.
PJM Stakeholders Envision Additional Capacity Designs
Proposals for reforming PJM's capacity markets were presented and explained at a two-day meeting of the Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force.
PJM Making Moves to Preserve Market Integrity
PJM published three documents detailing their efforts to integrate public policy and emerging technologies into its markets.
PJM Capacity Task Force Debates the Value of Price Transparency
The PJM Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force presented an alternative perspective on the objectives of a resource adequacy construct.
PJM Capacity Task Force Considering 60+ ‘Design Concepts’
The PJM Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force held its second meeting discuss design-concept ideas for revising the RTO’s capacity market.

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