capacity deliverability
FERC denied a complaint by energy conglomerate Saavi alleging CAISO unlawfully terminated the full capacity deliverability rights for its gas-fired generating unit in Mexico that previously was interconnected with the ISO’s grid.
MISO told stakeholders that it is not yet able to make “quantifiable conclusions” about the amount of capacity available for the 2023-24 planning year.
Conventional capacity resources in MISO will now have to prove full deliverability before collecting maximum capacity credits, FERC said.
FERC partly rejected CAISO Tariff revisions seeking deliverability enhancements for interconnection customers, saying a proposal to limit self-scheduling by some generators wasn’t reasonable.
MISO is offering stakeholders a compromise on one of two proposals it will file with FERC, removing a provision that would eliminate capacity credits for slow-response LMRs.
MISO is preparing to make two resource adequacy filings with FERC aimed at making its capacity resources more readily available.
FERC denied a complaint to bar NYISO from allowing PJM resources to sell installed capacity using unforced capacity deliverability rights facilities.
MISO says it will look to make improvements to the capacity testing process after sifting through results from its generators and discovering errors.
MISO's Resource Adequacy Subcommittee discussed delaying deliverability requirement changes, limiting extended planned outages and deadlines for the PRA.
MISO signaled it’s ready to address calls from its Monitor and members to tighten capacity deliverability requirements, but some are concerned about costs.
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