capacity imports/exports
FERC gave fast-track approval to CAISO Tariff changes meant to discourage sellers from failing to deliver on import energy bids.
A CAISO resource adequacy workshop could not have been more timely following the heat waves and energy emergencies of mid-August and Labor Day weekend.
ISO-NE is proposing an installed capacity requirement of 34,153 MW for Forward Capacity Auction 15, a 722-MW increase over FCA 14.
CAISO called for extra capacity and conservation and put grid maintenance on hold as it faces a Labor Day weekend heat wave.
FERC affirmed its 2018 ruling approving MISO’s current resource adequacy construct, rejecting multiple rehearing requests from critics of the decision.
MISO will focus on the northern portion of its footprint with two supplemental studies to be included in its 2020 Transmission Expansion Plan cycle.
NYISO stakeholders approved external ICAP limits and changes to the Transmission Congestion Contracts Manual during the Business Issues Committee meeting.
PJM’s Planning Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 14F to remove the competitive exemption for Form 715 local planning criteria transmission projects.
FERC denied a complaint to bar NYISO from allowing PJM resources to sell installed capacity using unforced capacity deliverability rights facilities.
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee voted to recommend the Management Committee approve Tariff changes intended to help speed up the interconnection process.
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