capacity supply obligation (CSO)
The New England Power Pool Markets Committee continued to work on ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements proposal.
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee indicated its displeasure with the re-evaluation of the fuel-security reliability review for Mystic Units 8 and 9.
ISO-NE projects net installed capacity requirements will increase and procedures could be needed to overcome a shortage of “operable” capacity.
FERC clarified a capacity supplier’s retirement bid can enter ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity Auction if the supplier demonstrates the bid is just and reasonable.
FERC approved new ISO-NE penalties for market participants that fail to cover their capacity supply obligations when a new resource is delayed.
FERC granted ISO-NE’s request to terminate the capacity supply obligation (CSO) for Invenergy’s delayed 485-MW Clear River Energy Center Unit 1.
NEPOOL approved new penalties for ISO-NE participants that fail to cover their capacity supply obligations when a new resource is delayed.
Wheelabrator Technologies will refund ISO-NE capacity payments and pay a $250,000 civil penalty under a settlement approved by FERC.
ISO-NE asked FERC to terminate the capacity supply obligation of the Invenergy Clear River Energy Center Unit 1 combined cycle plant in Burrillville, R.I.
FERC accepted ISO-NE’s proposed annual reconfiguration transaction and a revised materiality threshold.
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