January 24, 2025

carbon pricing

NY Task Force Examines Carbon Pricing Market Impacts
The impact of a carbon price would likely reverberate throughout New York’s wholesale electricity markets, industry experts said.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: June 12, 2018
NYISO Vice President of Operations Wes Yeomans told the Management Committee the ISO is prepared to meet peak demand this summer.
NYISO Favors Cost Levelizing on Carbon Charge
NYISO continues to propose a cost-levelizing approach for allocating carbon charge residuals to load-serving entities.
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NY Task Force Examines Carbon Pricing Impacts
The NYISO / NY DPS IPPTF learned that New York’s adoption of carbon pricing will likely increase the state’s wholesale energy prices and decrease prices for zero-emission credits.
Brattle Group
NYISO Floats Carbon Pricing Straw Proposal
NYISO is floating a proposal that would incorporate the social cost of carbon into the ISO’s wholesale market by debiting each energy supplier a uniform carbon emissions charge as part of its settlement.
Izzo: Nukes Outside NJ Likely Eligible for State ZECs
A recently passed New Jersey law could lead to the state subsidizing nuclear plants outside its borders, Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) CEO Ralph Izzo said during his company’s first-quarter (Q1 2018) earnings call Monday.
NY Dept. of Public Service
NY Looks at Social Cost of Carbon, Modeling
To model the impacts of carbon pricing on dispatch, resource costs and emissions in its wholesale electricity market, New York would do well to start by estimating a social cost of carbon (SCC), experts told a state task force Monday.
UK Dept. for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
NY Task Force Takes on Carbon Pricing Mechanics
How should New York set carbon prices - and who should be tasked with doing it? Those are questions the state's Integrating Public Policy Task Force have begun to tackle in its effort to integrate carbon pricing into NYISO's market.
NY Task Force Debates Carbon Pricing Models
New York’s Integrating Public Policy Task Force (IPPTF) debated proposals for carbon pricing from the Long Island Power Authority and National Grid.
City of New York
NYC, Goals Dominate Talk on Carbon Pricing
When New York’s Integrating Public Policy Task Force hit resistance from the get-go when it unveiled its final work plan for pricing carbon into the state’s wholesale electricity market.

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