October 5, 2024

Cheryl LaFleur

Meet the People Making Life a Little More Difficult for FERC this Week
Protesters are descending on D.C. throughout this week to protest FERC and its approval of natural gas infrastructure projects.
Smooth Transition as Bay Replaces LaFleur as FERC Chair
FERC completed a bloodless transition Thursday as newcomer Norman Bay replaced five-year veteran Cheryl LaFleur as chairman.
Federal Briefs
This week's FERC and federal briefs include news on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Energy.
Congressional Meeting Fails to Sway LaFleur on Capacity Results
A meeting among the New England congressional delegation, ISO-NE and FERC Chairman Cheryl LaFleur ended the way that it started: with LaFleur and the RTO defending rising capacity prices and the delegation unhappy.
LaFleur Chairmanship Ending; Bay to Take Gavel
Chairman Cheryl LaFleur gaveled her final Federal Energy Regulatory Commission open meeting last week, nearing the end of a tumultuous 16-month term.
FERC Cracks Down on Protesters
Borrowing language from other federal agencies, FERC issued an order “to clarify that the term ‘observe’ does not include disruptive behavior.”
FERC Seeking Its Role on Carbon Rule ‘Safety Valve’
FERC said it is trying to craft the its role in administering a “safety valve” to ensure reliability is not threatened by the EPA's Clean Power Plan.
LaFleur Rejects Further Review of 2014 ISO-NE Capacity Auction
FERC once again dashed the hopes of the New England congressional delegation seeking to challenge the results of last year’s ISO-NE capacity auction.
LaFleur: FERC an ‘Honest Broker;’ Won’t Take Sides on Clean Power Plan
FERC will have a vital role in implementing the EPA’s Clean Power Plan but won’t take sides in ideological debates, Chairman Cheryl LaFleur said.
Protesters Interrupt FERC Open Meeting
FERC Chairman Cheryl LaFleur called an unscheduled recess to the commission’s monthly open meeting Thursday due to a series of interruptions by protesters.

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