Cheryl LaFleur
FERC Commissioner Colette Honorable tweeted late Monday night that Friday, June 30 (the last day of her term) would be her last day at the commission.
A decade of mandatory standards has improved the grid’s reliability, but it’s time for regulators to prune unnecessary rules, speakers told FERC.
Acting FERC Chair Cheryl LaFleur expressed relief at the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners’ (NECPUC) 70th Annual Symposium.
Acting FERC Chair Cheryl LaFleur sat down for an interview last week with RTO Insider editor Rich Heidorn Jr. at the IPPNY Annual Spring Conference.
NYISO’s plan to integrate carbon will test the independence of FERC under President Trump, speakers told the IPPNY 31st Annual Spring Conference.
Former FERC Chairman Norman Bay says he told the Trump transition team he would likely leave the commission if he was replaced as chairman.
Energy storage is providing benefits to the grid, and rules need to be implemented to ensure it finds its proper place, a panel of experts told NARUC.
At NARUC's winter meeting, acting FERC Chair LaFleur said the commission will schedule a conference on how markets can accommodate state initiatives.
Preparing for the loss of its quorum, FERC issued an order delegating additional authority to staff and approved two massive natural gas pipelines.
FERC rejected the proposed MISO three-year forward capacity auction in its retail-choice areas. It's back to the drawing board for the RTO and stakeholders.
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