October 6, 2024

Clean Air Act

Port of Tacoma
Views on Washington Clean Truck Rules Split on Expected Lines
Feedback split along predictable lines on Washington’s efforts to adopt California’s strict standards on zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Nev. Program Seeks Calif. Standards for Vehicle Emissions
Nevada is seeking approval for a program to tighten vehicle emission standards and increase availability of electric cars.
NY Considers Rulemaking for Medium to Heavy ZEVs
New York officials told stakeholders the state hopes to adopt medium- and heavy-duty zero emission vehicle standards by the end of the year.
State AGs Highlight Action Against Trump Admin
A new report recounts actions state attorneys general took to mitigate the Trump administration’s weakening of regulations on energy and climate.
Biden Urged to Avoid Obama’s Climate Mistakes
President-elect Joe Biden should avoid the mistakes President Barack Obama made in attempting to reduce emissions, environmental law experts said.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Jan. 16, 2019
SPP has been tasked with providing an outline of comments for submittal to the EPA in response to its proposed rulemaking under Clean Air Act Section 111b.
House GOP Seeks Changes to New Source Review
Republicans are working on legislation that could allow power plants to avoid expensive upgrades under the EPA New Source Review (NSR) program.
Port of Monroe
Penalty Review Denied, DTE Faces Friendlier EPA
The U.S. Supreme Court denied DTE’s petition to review an environmental penalty against one its coal plants over increased emissions.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Commitee Briefs: Oct. 18, 2017
ISO-NE will revise the scope of its 2027 transmission needs assessments after stakeholders raised questions about the study’s dispatch modeling.
CPP Supporters Hope for Action by DC Circuit
Now that EPA has reversed its position on the Clean Power Plan, some supporters of the program say the D.C. Circuit should rule on the issue.

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