Clean Power Plan (CPP)
More than 170 people attended the IPPNY's 30th annual Fall Conference at the historic Gideon Putnam resort in Saratoga Springs, a two-day affair of golf and industry talk.
A round-up of issues discussed by stakeholders at the MISO Planning Advisory Committee on Sept. 16, 2015.
SPP's Clean Power Plan Task Force was given an advance look at a webinar that will open the dialogue with state and utility officials charged with implementing the EPA's emissions rule.
PJM staff, stakeholders, financiers, regulators and industry leaders debated the effects of environmental rules and RTO policies on the capacity market, reliability and investments at Infocast’s PJM Market Summit 2015.
A collection of issues being discussed by SPP stakeholders, including the Clean Power Plan, reliability for this winter and a settlement with MISO.
New England's states may have to set aside their self-interests to overcome high energy prices, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said.
Registered wind capacity in MISO is projected to rise 50% by the end of 2019 — and that’s not even counting more turbines likely to sprout due to the Clean Power Plan.
MISO planners who just completed the third phase of a study on the Clean Power Plan said last week that a “multibillion dollar” transmission build-out will be necessary in almost every compliance scenario they’ve anticipated.
PJM is concerned that EPA was overly optimistic in its assumptions for how quickly it can add transmission to meet the Clean Power Plan.
The New England states, along with New York, are generally well ahead of the targets set in the Clean Power Plan.
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