February 25, 2025

Clean Power Plan (CPP)

Wind Power Continues Growth Despite Policy Uncertainty
Clean energy technologies like wind power are seen as beneficiaries of the Clean Power Plan.
Final Clean Power Plan More Suited to Carbon Trading, Experts Say
Cap-and-trade is likely to be a core compliance plan for many states under the Environmental Protection Agency’s final version of the Clean Power Plan.
Battle Lines, Compliance Paths Form on Clean Power Plan
State and RTO officials have had two weeks to digest EPA's final Clean Power Plan and the battle lines — and paths to compliance — are developing.
PJM Concerned About Lead Time on Transmission Needed for Wind
PJM is concerned that EPA was overly optimistic in its assumptions for how quickly it can add transmission to meet the Clean Power Plan.
EPA Plan Response: Coal Howls, Wind and Solar Crow
EPA's final Clean Power Plan provoked outrage from coal interests, praise from environmentalists and cautious optimism from regulators and grid operators.
Revised Clean Power Plan Allows More Time, Sets Higher Targets
EPA's final Clean Power Plan relaxes some controversial proposals while increasing its target for carbon emission reductions.
SPP: State-by-State Compliance Would Hike Costs
SPP's latest analysis of EPA’s draft Clean Power Plan indicates state-by-state compliance with the plan would result in nearly 40% higher costs than a regional approach.
SPP Markets and Operations Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee on July 14 and 15.
Study: RGGI Added $1.3B, 14,000 Jobs to State Economies
RGGI provides substantial economic benefits and has not raised prices or impaired reliability, according to an independent study.
Dominion CEO: Ignore the Fringes, not the Science
Dominion Resources CEO Tom Farrell spoke of the challenges of social media, the promise of utility-scale solar and the dangers of “magical thinking.”

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