February 25, 2025

Clean Power Plan (CPP)

MISO, SPP Stakeholders Developing Trading Plan to Comply with EPA Carbon Rule
Stakeholders from MISO and SPP they are developing the framework for an interstate trading platform to comply with the EPA Clean Power Plan.
PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee on March 12, 2015.
Eastern RTOs Express Confidence in Meeting Clean Power Plan Compliance
Representatives of PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO told FERC they are prepared to implement their states’ plans for complying with EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan.
FERC Seeking Its Role on Carbon Rule ‘Safety Valve’
FERC said it is trying to craft the its role in administering a “safety valve” to ensure reliability is not threatened by the EPA's Clean Power Plan.
Debate over Cost, Impact of EPA Clean Power Plan in Southeast
Witnesses from the Southeast generally expressed far more concern than their counterparts in the Northeast during FERC’s technical conference on the EPA Clean Power Plan.
Inhofe Decries EPA ‘Power Grab’
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, chaired by Jim Inhofe, heard criticism and praise of the EPA's Clean Power Plan from state officials.
PJM MIC Briefs
A round-up of news from the PJM Market Implementation Committee on March 11, 2015.
Exelon-Backed Bill Proposes Surcharge to Fund Illinois Nukes
Exelon’s year-long lobbying campaign has won bipartisan backing for a bill that would charge Illinois electricity users a fee to ensure continued operation of three nuclear generators that the company says are unprofitable.
EPA on Carbon Rule: We’re Listening
Senior EPA officials promised FERC and NARUC that the final Clean Power Plan the agency issues this summer will protect reliability and not crush consumers.
CRUTHIRDS AT LARGE: Challenges Changes in Energy on the Bayou
David Cruthirds brings this report from the Gulf Coast Power Association’s Feb. 5 special briefing: “Challenges & Changes in Energy on the Bayou.” Among the topics discussed were Entergy’s growth plans, Year 1 in MISO South and the RTO’s ongoing seams battles.

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