cold weather
FERC and the ERO have launched a review into the electric grid's performance during January's extreme cold weather that brought record low temperatures and snowfall to the Southeastern U.S.
Citing a looming FERC deadline, NERC's Board of Trustees voted once again to sidestep the normal standards development process to accelerate development of the ERO's cold weather standard.
NERC is calling on grid operators to prepare for extreme winter weather predicted in the first weeks of January.
NERC's Standards Committee approved several standards actions at its monthly conference call.
Industry stakeholders again rejected a proposed reliability standard dealing with transmission planning for extreme weather.
FERC directed NERC to submit further changes to its latest cold weather standard within the next nine months.
FERC will consider several items touching on the ERO Enterprise at June 27 open meeting.
NERC urged FERC to set aside the ISO/RTO Council's objections to its proposed cold weather standard.
NERC's Standards Committee moved ahead on several projects that are the subject of FERC orders at its monthly Standards Committee meeting.
The impasse over the ERO’s latest cold weather standard has ended, with EOP-012-2 finally receiving enough votes from industry stakeholders to pass its third formal comment and ballot period.
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