October 5, 2024

Competitive Auctions with Sponsored Policy Resources (CASPR)

Overheard at New York Energy Market Summit
Attendees of the Infocast New York Energy Market Summit discussed transmission development, offshore wind and conflict between state policies and markets.
Court Questions FERC Change on ISO-NE Renewable Exemption
A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals questioned FERC over its approval of ISO-NE’s renewable exemption from the MOPR.
© RTO Insider
Powelson Tells New England to Learn from Pennsylvania
FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson said ISO New England (ISO-NE) needs to overcome its aversion to new energy infrastructure to avoid natural gas shortages in the winter.
© RTO Insider
Split FERC Approves ISO-NE CASPR Plan
FERC approved ISO-NE’s two-stage capacity auction to accommodate state renewable energy procurements.
Van Welie: ISO-NE in ‘Race’ to Replace Retirements
ISO-NE is racing to relieve natural gas pipelines constraints and interconnect new resources, CEO Gordon van Welie said.
Potomac Economics
ISO-NE Defends CASPR Against Protests
ISO-NE defended its proposed two-stage capacity auction, responding to criticism by its External Market Monitor and others.
CASPR Filing Draws Stakeholder Support, Protests
Stakeholders have responded to ISO-NE’s filing of a proposed two-stage capacity auction with a flurry of comments to FERC.
ISO-NE Effort to Accommodate States Leaves them Alienated
New England state regulators ended up split over the ISO-NE CASPR proposal — yet seemingly united in their dismay over the RTO’s stakeholder process.
ISO-NE Files CASPR Proposal
ISO-NE asked for FERC approval of its two-stage capacity auction following months of negotiations that left the RTO’s stakeholders split.
New England Strives for CASPR Consensus
ISO New England (ISO-NE) stakeholders are trying to reach agreement on CASPR, a two-tier market construct to integrate state-sponsored renewables.

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