February 23, 2025

Con Ed-PSEG wheel

Rejecting PJM ‘Wheel’-related Requests, FERC Sets Inquiry
FERC rejected a request by PJM to allow Linden VFT to convert the 330 MW of firm transmission on its lines between PJM and NYISO to non-firm.
Post-‘Wheel’ Changes Spark PJM Member Concerns
PJM stakeholders are finding that the elimination of the Con Ed-PSEG "wheel" is not freeing up transmission capacity as expected.
PJM PC/TEAC Briefs: Aug. 10, 2017
PJM staff have completed analysis of Reliability Pricing Model projects and are nearly finished examining interregional projects.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs
NYISO presented its Market Operations and Broader Regional Markets reports to the Business Issues Committee.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs
The NYISO Management Committee voted to recommend rewording the ISO’s coordination agreement with ISO-NE on emergency energy transaction charges.
PAR Wars: A Struggle for Power
PJM and NYISO are in a dispute over who should pay to replace a failed phase angle regulator (PAR) in Ramapo, N.Y.
NYISO Members OK End to Con Ed-PSEG Wheel
The NYISO Management Committee approved an agreement with PJM to end the 1,000-MW Con Ed-PSEG wheel next year while maintaining an operational base flow of 400 MW.
A review of what we learned at the PJM Planning Committee and Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee meetings on Thursday, November 3rd.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs
At last week's PJM Operating Committee, PJM and NYISO released last week their joint whitepaper on replacing the Con Ed-PSEG wheel, which will end May 1.
Analysis Recommends Continuing Reduced Con Ed-PSEG ‘Wheel’ for Grid Stability
PJM and NYISO officials said that an analysis indicates a reduced version of the current pattern is the best resolution when the Con Ed-PSEG ‘wheel’ ends.

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