February 22, 2025

congestion revenue rights (CRRs)

CAISO Moves Ahead With Market Changes
The CAISO Board of Governors approved a controversial proposal on congestion revenue rights and market power mitigation.
CAISO Department of Market Monitoring
CAISO Q4 Sees 15-Minute Price Spikes, CRR Shortfalls
CAISO’s fourth quarter was beset by 15-minute market energy shortages and a significant shortfall in CRR auction revenues, the ISO’s Market Monitor said.
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CAISO Urged to Take Slower CRR Approach
CAISO is moving ahead with major modifications to its congestion revenue rights (CRR) auction even as some stakeholders urge a deeper look.
CAISO Overhauling CRR Auctions
CAISO unveiled a plan to restructure its congestion revenue rights (CRR) auction to address long-running complaints, including those of their internal market monitor.
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Market Monitors Bring FTR Complaints to Congress
The Market Monitors for CAISO and PJM told a House subcommittee that their respective financial transmission rights markets are significantly flawed.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Sept. 28, 2017
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee unanimously approved compromise language eliminating the reduction of congestion revenue rights.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Aug. 24, 2017
With Hurricane Harvey approaching, ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee focused on three tabled revision requests before scattering to their homes and work.
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CAISO Drops EIM Third-Party Transmission Plan
CAISO dropped a proposal that would have allowed third-party transmission providers to participate in the EIM after getting negative feedback on the plan.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: July 27, 2017
ERCOT stakeholders tabled a proposal to eliminate the reduction of CRRs payments after the measure failed to pass the Technical Advisory Committee.
CAISO: Analysis Needed Before Reforms on CRR Auctions
A CAISO official told stakeholders that reforms to the congestion revenue rights auctions will come only after painstaking analysis.

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