cost allocation
KCP&L is fulfilling its promise to take legal action against SPP for how the RTO allocates costs to customers after a new transmission owner joins a zone.
FERC rejected a request by PJM to allow Linden VFT to convert the 330 MW of firm transmission on its lines between PJM and NYISO to non-firm.
FERC rejected SPP’s proposed cost allocation for its seams project with Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
FERC has approved SPP’s request to change the frequency of its regional cost allocation review (RCAR) from every three years to every six.
ISO-NE officials came to Vermont to discuss how FERC Order 1000 has affected transmission planning in the region.
FERC rejected a CAISO proposal intended to prevent small transmission owners from shouldering the costs for network upgrades.
MISO will resume discussion on possible cost recovery for participant-funded transmission projects under 345 kV.
MISO’s Steering Committee declined to reconsider a proposal that would allow funders of transmission upgrades for lines under 345 kV to recover costs.
MISO has promised to publish a guide describing its cost allocation process for competitive transmission projects by August.
Most of the $280-million bill for the PJM Artificial Island project would shift from DE to NJ and PA under alternative cost allocations released Friday.
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