cost allocation
SPP and MISO began gathering feedback on ways they can pass the hat for seven joint transmission projects that could enable almost 29 GW of new generation.
MISO’s subregional cost allocation plan for its long-range transmission projects found both devotees and critics at FERC this week.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied petitions for review of a settlement that allocated transmission costs in PJM.
A month after filing a cost allocation method for its long-range projects, MISO is on the hunt for a better approach to fund major transmission builds.
MISO and SPP state regulators plan to involve themselves in the RTOs’ discussions about sharing costs from their joint interconnection queue study.
A second meeting of FERC and state regulators trying to spur transmission buildout exposed differences over expanding the definition of transmission benefits.
Despite Texas PUC Commissioner Will McAdams' forceful opposition, SPP approved a measure granting local projects an opportunity for regional funding.
PJM and New Jersey asked FERC to OK their plan for building transmission to deliver the state’s planned 7,500 MW of offshore wind.
MISO wrapped discussion on how it plans to share the costs of the first group of projects identified under its multistage long-range transmission plan.
MISO has plans to test its hypothesis that benefits from long-range transmission projects built in Midwest won’t deliver benefits to the South.
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