January 26, 2025

cost of new entry (CONE)

Report Slams PJM Forecasting, CONE Estimates
PJM’s Reliability Pricing Model is acquiring more capacity than needed, leading to dirtier, less efficient generation and excessive costs for consumers.
PJM MOPR Floor Prices Reduced for Gas, Nuclear, Solar Units
PJM officials told stakeholders that revised calculations show lower floor prices for gas, nuclear and solar generating units under the expanded MOPR.
PJM Stakeholders Get First Look at MOPR Floor Costs
PJM stakeholders got their first look at the price floors that could be applied for capacity resources under the expanded minimum offer price rule.
MOPR a Non-issue for Some PJM States
FERC’s Dec. 19 order expanding PJM’s minimum offer price rule prompted outrage among some officials in the RTO’s 13-state footprint.
NYISO Stakeholders OK Moving IESO Proxy Bus
NYISO is moving the proxy bus for pricing transactions with Ontario’s IESO to reflect power-flow changes from the implementation of phase-angle regulators.
MISO Resource Adequacy Subcomm. Briefs: Sept. 12, 2019
MISO will suspend updates on its resource availability and need project through November to allow time for analysis that may drive future draft rules.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: May 22, 2019
ERCOT in April set new monthly generation records for its wind and solar fleets, producing 7,148 GWh and 408 GWh, respectively.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: March 27, 2019
ERCOT's Technical Advisory Committee tabled a request to lower the grid operator’s peaker net margin threshold pending further direction from the Texas PUC.
Monitor Sees Problems with PJM Reserve Pricing Plan
Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring said PJM’s proposed revisions to how it prices reserves necessitates changes in the capacity market.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 27, 2018
The MRC voted on four packages of revisions as part of PJM’s quadrennial review of the VRR curve, but none of the proposals received majority support.

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