January 24, 2025


ERO Align Tool Final Release Now Planned for Q4
The ERO Enterprise is now planning to complete deployment of the Align software tool by the fourth quarter of 2022, SERC staff said Tuesday.
GAO Warns Feds Putting Off ‘Urgently Needed’ Cybersecurity Steps
An official from the Government Accountability Office warned that the government still has not implemented critical infrastructure cybersecurity measures.
GridEx VI Incorporates Recent Cyber Lessons
NERC's GridEx VI security exercise tested utilities with an array of cybersecurity threats drawn from recent experiences.
NPCC Focuses on Reliability, Integrating DERs, and Security
NPCC will focus next year on ensuring reliability, integrating DERs and renewables and protecting infrastructure from cyber and physical threats.
NARUC: Pandemic Response Shows Value of Planning
Members of a NARUC task force plugged reports on the COVID-19 response and the new federal infrastructure bill at the organization's annual meeting.
NARUC Panelists Push for Software Documentation
Panelists at the National Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners' annual meeting said requiring documentation of software's origins may be tricky.
NARUC Calls for Regulators to Work with Military on Resilience
A new report from the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners urges electric regulators to work with the military on electric resilience.
Return of In-person ERO Compliance Audits Planned in 2022
The ERO Enterprise's 2022 enforcement plan makes clear that regional entities are prepared to return to in-person audits in 2022.
Robb, Granholm Push Modernization at GridSecCon
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and NERC CEO Jim Robb discussed the challenges of climate change and cybersecurity on the second day of GridSecCon 2021.
GridSecCon Panelists Share Cyber Supply Chain Fears
Panelists at NERC's GridSecCon 2021 security conference discussed the rapidly growing threat from sophisticated cyberattackers targeting critical software.

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