D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
The D.C. Circuit overturned the 2014 FERC order setting the base return on equity (ROE) for a group of New England transmission owners at 10.57%.
A group of advocates told the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that it should overturn PJM’s Capacity Performance construct.
FERC denied a request to broaden a waiver providing relief to real-time emergency generation resources in ISO-NE.
Hopes for overturning EPA's Clean Power Plan (CPP) appear to hinge on whether the agency overstepped its authority in relying on "generation shifting."
Plaintiffs asked a federal appellate court to force FERC to rule on the legality of the ISO-NE eighth Forward Capacity Auction.
FERC ordered ISO-NE to provide it more information to prove that the 2013-14 winter reliability program resulted in just and reasonable rates.
Environmental groups asked the D.C. Circuit Court to review FERC rulings on the PJM Capacity Performance model, saying model limits renewables and DR.
FERC has again upheld ISO-NE’s limited exemption for renewables from the RTO’s minimum offer price rule.
A federal appeals court upheld FERC Order 1000's right-of-first-refusal provisions, rejecting challenges from transmission owners and developers.
The Clean Power Plan was the hot topic at the NARUC winter meetings, but attendees also heard discussions about the growth of wind and a debate on capacity markets.
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