February 23, 2025

day-ahead margin assurance payment (DAMAP)

FERC: No Need for Waiver on MISO Make-whole Payments
FERC said MISO does not need a waiver of its Tariff requirements in order to provide Entergy Texas with make-whole payments.
MISO Steering Committee OKs IMM Proposals for Market Roadmap
MISO’s Steering Committee recommended that all but one of a handful of the Monitor’s oft-repeated recommendations be included on the 2018 Market Roadmap.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee discussed Patton's call to develop better procedures for transferring control of market-to-market constraints.
MISO to Fix Recently Discovered Tariff Mistake
MISO will file with FERC to correct a recently uncovered eight-year-old Tariff mistake related to the RTO’s day-ahead margin assurance payment.
IMM Report Highlights Outages, Wind Over-Forecasting
MISO Independent Market Monitor (IMM) David Patton presented a draft of his quarterly report; expressing concerns over high outage rates in MISO South.
MISO IMM Sees Deliberate Over-Forecasting by Wind Operators
Some wind power generators appear to be deliberately over-forecasting their output to inflate their revenues, according to MISO IMM David Patton.

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