October 5, 2024

day-ahead market (DAM)

MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs
The MISO Market Subcommittee on Feb. 2, 2016, discussed Tariff revisions to extend the day-ahead market, interface pricing and EEE flags.
FERC Again Denies Polar Vortex Make-Whole Payments
FERC has denied another generator’s request for make-whole payments for natural gas it purchased that was never used during the event, citing rules against retroactive ratemaking.
PJM Stakeholders Struggle for Consensus on Offer Cap
PJM stakeholders will continue to debate changing the $1,000/MWh energy offer cap at a special four-hour Markets and Reliability Committee meeting called for Sept. 9.
SPP BoD/Members Committee Briefs
A summary of measures and issues discussed at the SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee meeting on July 28, 2015.
No Day-Ahead Schedule Changes Needed, NYISO Says
NYISO told FERC it does not plan to make any changes in its day-ahead schedule to comply with FERC Order 809, which adjusted the gas market schedule.
SPP Members Reluctantly OK Day-Ahead Change
SPP's Markets & Operations Policy Committee voted to move the deadline for day-ahead market offers up 90 minutes to 9:30 a.m. CT.
SPP Fundamentals Largely Unchanged
SPP will soon file a full report on the Integrated Marketplace’s first year of performance, but its most recent quarterly State of the Market report indicates the market expansion hasn’t affected the fundamental dynamics in the region.
MISO Proposes Earlier Day-Ahead Market Close
MISO will propose closing the day-ahead market one hour earlier during Daylight Savings Time in response to FERC's final rule on gas and electric schedules.
PJM to Propose Earlier Day-Ahead Schedule
PJM confirmed last week that it will seek to move the deadline for submitting day-ahead offers up 90 minutes, from noon to 10:30 a.m. ET.
SPP Moving to 9:30 Day-Ahead Close
SPP's Markets and Operations Policy Committee will vote this week on a recommendation to move the deadline for day-ahead market offers up 90 minutes to 9:30 a.m. CT.

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