January 22, 2025

demand forecast

Grid Strategies
Grid Strategies’ 5-year Demand Growth Forecast Rises
Utilities around the country expect peak demand to grow by 128 GW, or 15.8%, to 947 GW by 2029, according to the latest report from Grid Strategies.
ERCOT Projects 97-GW Peak Demand by 2034
ERCOT’s latest capacity, demand and reserves report projects summer peak demand will increase to more than 97 GW by 2034.
The Brattle Group
Brattle Report Details Impact of ‘Lumpy’ Loads on Utility Forecasts
CEC Reduces Calif. Electricity Forecast on Lower Population Growth
Slower anticipated growth in California’s population has prompted state regulators to downwardly revise the electricity demand forecast used for grid planning. 
Grid Strategies
Grid Planners Predict Sharp Increase in Load Growth
After years of low load growth, U.S. grid planners now predict a sharp increase in electric demand, according to a report by consulting firm Grid Strategies.
North Carolina Utilities Commission
North Carolina Regulators Face Questions on Holiday Outages
The NCUC chair consumer advocate faced lawmakers' questions on the state's first-ever rotating outages stemming from a December storm.
California Energy Commission Looks at Gas for Midterm Reliability
The CEC predicted a massive rollout of storage resources through 2026 that should negate the need for more gas generation, absent problems.

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