DER aggregation
MISO featured the founder of an energy management software company for its first task force of the year on distributed energy resources.
NYISO on Friday presented the Installed Capacity/Market Issues Working Group with draft revisions to its distributed energy resource participation model.
NYISO defended its proposal to set a 10-kW minimum for DER participation in an aggregation, citing out-of-date software and staff's capacity.
FERC approved NYISO’s request for up to 3 more years to implement tariff revisions that will allow DERs in aggregations to provide all their ancillary services.
The Texas PUC has approved staff’s recommendation that ERCOT serve as the footprint’s reliability monitor, formalizing a two-year collaboration.
FERC clarified its June orders on CAISO and NYISO Order 2222 compliance filings while rejecting rehearing requests by consumer and environmental groups.
ERCOT has approved a pilot project where Texas energy providers can aggregate their customers’ small DERs and sell the extra energy back to the grid.
Stakeholders responded negatively NYISO’s proposal for a 10-kW minimum capability requirement for individual DERs to qualify for participation in aggregation.
NYISO shared a proposal to set a 10-kW minimum capability requirement for individual distributed energy resources participating in aggregations.
NYISO filed a request with FERC for a 90-day extension of the Aug. 16 compliance deadline for Order 2222 and a separate request regarding operating reserves.
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