Dominion Energy
Dominion Energy discussed the ways it is decarbonizing and electrifying in order to stay competitive at Raab Associates’ Energy Policy Roundtable.
PJM’s Planning Committee will consider whether the RTO must develop document language to deal with mitigation of existing and future infrastructure.
Dominion Energy called off its solicitation for a 1,500-MW peaking plant, just days after LS Power asked Virginia officials to intervene in the process.
FERC Enforcement opened 12 new investigations and negotiated two settlement agreements worth $14.4 million in penalties and disgorgements in FY19.
LS Power is urging Virginia officials to intervene in Dominion Energy’s solicitation for a 1,500-MW peaking plant, saying the process stifles competition.
PJM wants to sunset the Distributed Energy Resources Ride Through Task Force after saying its work considering a default standard is done.
PJM’s Planning Committee deferred voting on a proposal regarding critical infrastructure mitigation projects for a webinar planned to discuss transparency.
PJM’s concerns over FTR underfunding on projects with incremental auction revenue rights won’t be addressed through any Operating Agreement revisions.
FERC approved Dominion Energy's request to change the basis for its transmission rates from an annual coincident peak formula to one based on monthly peaks.
Dominion Energy proposed the largest offshore wind project in the U.S. on the heels of Virginia’s policy turn toward clean energy.
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