October 6, 2024

Edison Electric Institute (EEI)

UPDATED — Second Thoughts: FERC May Revoke Marketers’ Tariff
FERC rejected a proposed power and gas tariff filed by the North American Energy Markets Association (NAEMA) and indicated it is likely to revoke the group’s capacity and energy tariff.
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Visibility Key as EVs Seek Growth Beyond Early Adopters
Growing the electric vehicle market will require creative regulations, speakers told the Institute for Electric Innovation’s (IEI) spring 2018 forum.
EEI Praises Tax Bill, Looks Ahead to Infrastructure Policy
The Edison Electric Institute celebrated the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act at its annual briefing to Wall Street analysts.
Utilities Likely to Pass Tax Bill Gains to Customers
Although electric utilities will see their tax rate fall from 35% to 21% under the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, few are making plans to spend their savings.
EEI Pledges to Fight Elimination of Tax Deductions
Investor-owned utilities will fight any tax overhaul that doesn’t preserve deductions for interest and taxes, the head of EEI told Wall Street analysts.
CPP, FERC’s Bay, Honorable Among Losers in Trump Win
What does a Donald Trump energy policy look like? Count the Clean Power Plan, DOE's R&D budget and FERC's Norman Bay among the losers.
CFTC to Add ‘Private Rights’ to RTO Exemption
CFTC said it is amending its order exempting RTOs from certain provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act to clarify that it does not bar private rights of action.
Witnesses Ask CFTC to Drop ‘Private Rights’ Clause
A parade of witnesses implored the CFTC to reverse its position in a case that they say could undermine the broad exemptions the commission granted RTOs and ISOs in 2013.
Critics: Koppel Doomsday Scenario Ignores Prep
NARUC ended its winter meetings with an interview of Ted Koppel, whose 2015 book “Lights Out” alleges the U.S. is unprepared for the threat of cyberattacks on the nation’s grid.
Utilities Make Their Case to Skeptical Wall Street
Investor-owned utilities will have a central role in the expansion of distributed generation and renewables, the industry’s trade group told securities analysts.

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